The presidential executive office or better known as “Casa Rosada” is located at Plaza de Mayo in the heart of Buenos Aires. The pink color of the palace gives it a remarkable look. But, did you know that you can visit Casa Rosada? And for free? A hidden secret for many.

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Visit Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires

Visiting a presidential palace has something unique and the guides of Buenos Aires know that, and hereby the available spaces are fast occupied. The tours in Casa Rosada are guided and with timeslots. A tour takes around 1h. We give you the best tips on how to get access.

How to get an entrance ticket?

The Casa Rosada is open for the public every Saturday. However, registration before is obligatory. The registration always starts two weeks before the actual visit date. Meaning, you want to visit Casa Rosada on January 14th? Then the registration will be open on January 1st. Follow this link. (UPDATE: the link is currently not working. I’m waiting for an answer of Casa Rosada)

English guided tours are always at 12h30 and the spaces are limited. If you want to follow the tour in Spanish, then you have more options.

An overview of how to get your free ticket:

  1. Two weeks before visiting the registration opens. This link.
  2. Tours only on Saturdays. English tour at 12h30.
  3. Registrate with your passport! Based on your passport they will do a check in the police databases.
  4. Print your tickets.
  5. Bring your passport when you go to visit Casa Rosada. No access without a passport.

What makes it special?

The presidential palace has a rich history. Before the Casa Rosada, there was the Fort of Juan Baltazar of Austria. The fort was demolished in 1857 and the palace was constructed in the same place.

The Casa Rosada has beautiful rooms with influences from all over the world. Also, the famous balcony of Eva Duarte Perón is open to visitors. In the meantime, you get a look where the president works and meetings are taken place with presidents from other countries. Definitely worth a visit Casa Rosada.

Salon Blanco Casa Rosada Argentina Presidential Palace
Salon Blanco Visit Casa Rosada

Cabinet meeting room Casa Rosada


My roots in Buenos Aires started as a tourist. After some great adventures in Argentina, I moved in 2017 to the metropolitan city of Buenos Aires. I felt a need for correct and honest information for tourists. That's why I love to write to you. Sharing my discoveries in Buenos Aires. I hope you enjoy the city as much as I do! Buenos Aires ❤️


  1. Hi Glenn, do you know if the Saturday tours been discontinued? The link to make reservations is not working for me. Or do you know if we can make reservations directly at Casa Rosada on the day itself. Thanks.

    • Hi Murad, Unfortunately there are no tours at Casa Rosada anymore until further notice 🙁

  2. How do get tickets? We want to visit on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2023. We are available all day. Need English speaking guide.
    Thanks. Mark

    • Hi Mark, I don’t get an answer for the Presidential palace nor other organizations. I didn’t see tours starting anymore.

  3. Hi Glen, the link is still not working 🙁 Do you know if there is any other way to book this tour?

    • Hi Natalia, I received a reply from the Presidential House today. They referred me to another e-mail address and there I received the answer that they do not organize this. I guess visits don’t go ahead. I continue to find the right contact.

  4. Hi Glenn,

    Trying to follow the link to boo tickets for Casa Rosada tour, and looks like the link is not working?

    • You are right but it is still the correct link. Even from the official presidential website they refer to that website. I contacted them for more info but no answer yet.

  5. What a beautiful palace. We were lucky that we could visit Casa Rosada just before the presidential inauguration in December. Definitly a secret in Buenos Aires.

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Secrets of Buenos Aires