IMPORTANT: in case of emergency – call 107

I hope that your stay in Buenos Aires goes smoothly. Nonetheless, there are unforeseen circumstances such as illness. What do you do if you get sick in Buenos Aires? Where can I find a doctor? Which doctor can I go to as a tourist? Which hospital is the best and is recommended? And which pharmacy going to?

Are you or another person in a life-threatening state? Call 107! This is possible with your mobile phone. You have to be connected to an Argentinian mobile network.

What to do if you get sick in Buenos Aires

Before heading to a doctor check the list below

  • Bring your ID and any relevant medical documents.
  • If you have travel insurance, check if it covers medical expenses and have the policy details ready.
  • Consider language barriers: take a translator app with you. In case of severe emergency I recommend contacting your embassy in Buenos Aires.

Where do I find a doctor?

Finding a general practitioner in Buenos Aires is difficult. I recommend going to one of the hospitals listed below:

The easiest way to receive high-quality medical care is by going to an emergency department. I prefer to go to a private hospital such as:

Ask hotel staff to help you
Are you staying in a hotel? Most of the hotels have a general practitioner in their address book. Paying cash is acquired. But, ask for proof of payment and then hand it over to your insurance.


Call 107! The ambulance will always go to the nearest public hospital. In the case of admission: contact your insurance company and embassy.

How do I pay a doctor?

Insured? So, before you travel to Argentina, check if your insurance company covers Argentina and what institutions. The hospitals can ask for an advance payment. Keep the proof of payment with you.

What about public hospitals in Buenos Aires?

The quality of public hospitals is high! However, you can have long waiting lines and the equipment or infrastructure can be outdated. The public hospitals are free for everyone, even tourists.


Hospital Italiano: Pres. Tte. Gral. Juan Domingo Perón 4190
Hospital Aléman: Av. Pueyrredón 1640
Hospital Britanico: Perdriel 74

Pharmacy in Buenos Aires

Farmacity is a widespread pharmacy chain where you can also ask for medical advice but in first case to get some medicine. You can recognize the pharmacy by the green cross and orange accent colors. Some are 24/7 open.

Pharmacy in Buenos Aires Farmacity


My roots in Buenos Aires started as a tourist. After some great adventures in Argentina, I moved in 2017 to the metropolitan city of Buenos Aires. I felt a need for correct and honest information for tourists. That's why I love to write to you. Sharing my discoveries in Buenos Aires. I hope you enjoy the city as much as I do! Buenos Aires ❤️

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Secrets of Buenos Aires